Understanding Albania’s Musical Landscape: An Overview of Current Trends and Influences

Andi Dhoska – Instrumental Department, Artistic College “Jordan Misja”, Tirana, Albania

Etrit Adami – Instrumental Department, Artistic College “Jordan Misja”, Tirana, Albania

Abstract: The history of music in Albania spans thousands of years, blending influences from the Balkans, the Mediterranean, and various empires that ruled the region. Albania’s music scene has evolved tremendously, yet it faces several challenges that impact the preservation, development, and international recognition of its musical heritage. This paper will be focused on the review of the current trends and influences of the musical landscape in the Republic of Albania.

Keywords: Music; heritage; trends; musical landscape; traditional; contemporary.

Full Text: PDF

DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14031515

Publication Date: 11.10.2024 

How to Cite: Dhoska A., Adami E. Understanding Albania’s Musical Landscape: An Overview of Current Trends and Influences, Journal of Arts and Humanities Science. 2024; 1(1); 01-06.


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