
Journal of Arts and Humanities Science (JAHS) sponsored by EGNATIA publisher, was founded in the beginning of 2024. It is dedicated to all research issues and is aimed to present the latest development and achievements in the academic discipline of arts and humanities science. Journal of of Arts and Humanities Science mainly publishes original high-quality papers and not limited in the main fields of visual arts, performing arts, literary arts, art history, and humanities etc.

Journal of Arts and Humanities Science (JAHS) is accepting submission for Volume 1 Issue 1, March 2024. As a new and world’s leading open access journal, we are proud to provide scientific researchers to publish impactful insights faster.

We invite you to submit your papers. Please submit the topical previously unpublished papers through our Paper Submission System or directly to the Editor in Chief via e-mail: jahs.editor@gmail.com

The Journal of Arts and Humanities Science (JAHS) is covered by the following databases and archives:

  • OpenAIRE
  • Google Scholar

The Journal of Arts and Humanities Science (JAHS) is an international, open access journal, peer-reviewed, and published 3 times a year (March, July and November) online by EGNATIA publisher.